Eco Flo 10 Sol - Solution for oral administration.


Contains per ml:


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Eco Flo 10 Sol is a synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic. The active ingredient florfenicol is acitve against many gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria isolated from domestic animals. It acts by inhibiting bacterial protein synthesis.

Poultry: Eco Flo 10 Solhas shown activity in poultry against E.Coli and Salmonella infections.

Swine: In vivo in vitro activity has been demonstrated against commonly isolated pathogens involved in swine respiratory disease including Actinobacillus pleuroppneumoniae, Pasteurealla multocida, Salmonella choleraesuis and Streptococcus suis Type 2.


In poultry Eco Flo 10 So sol has shown activity in against E.Coli and Salmonella infection. In swine Eco Flo 10 So is indicated for swine respiratory disease including Actinobacillus pleuroppneumoniae, Pasteurella multocida, Salmonella choleraesuis and Streptococcus suis Type 2.


- Do not use in swine intended for breeding.

- Do not use at the same time as chlorinators.


For oral administration via drinking water. Shake well before use.

Poultry : 100 ml per 100 litre of drinking water during 5 consecutive days.

Pigs : 100 ml per 100 litre of drinking water during 3 consecutive days.

Medicated drinking water should be the only source of water during the treatment. This product should not be used in automatic drinks

(Proportioner) if water hardness is higher then 275 ppm.


Withdrawal times:

- For meat: 16 days


Store in a dry and cool place not exceeding 300C. Keep away from direct sunlight.