ECO - ANTISEP PLUS - Antiseptic solution.


In 1ml contains:

Glutaraldehyde ..........................................................147 mg.

Alkyl dimethyl Benzyl Ammonium Chloride................255 mg.

Solvent (Glycerin 10%; Nano silver: 5%; other solvents,..) just........................................ 1ml.


Use poison to disinfect barns, tools, means of transport, and disinfect dead animal carcasses. It is an antiseptic with a very wide spectrum of bactericidal properties: Kills all viruses, bacteria, Mycoplasma, and fungi that cause the disease on:

- Poultry such as: Avian influenza, Gumboro, Marek's, Newcastle, Chickenpox, Duck cholera, viral hepatitis, CRD, Typhoid, diphtheria, E.coli, Worms, fungal diseases.

- Cattle such as: Swine influenza, FMD, PRRS, Swine fever, T.G.E, Aujeszky, Parvo virus, Paratyphoid, Pasteurellosis, Anthracnose, Lepto, E.coli, fungal diseases, etc.


Store in a dry and cool place. Keep away from direct sunlight.

Specification: 1 liter bottle, 5 liter can.